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Why Projects Fail

The essential training course for those holding leadership roles in projects.

“Why Projects Fail” is a unique 2-day workshop that teaches teams how to recognize and avoid the primary causes of project failure.  Based on the outcome of hundreds of past projects, the course distills into recognizable patterns the repeated elements that drive success or failure.

Illustrated with war stories and a live Project Management Simulation game, “from the trenches” insights provide participants with the knowledge needed to see the big picture and understand the cause / effect relationships that drive project results.

This course provides the alternative to the high cost school of hard knocks used by so many organizations in the past. Whether you’ve recently suffered the pain of a troubled project or simply recognize the need to deepen your team’s understanding, this is the course for you.

Course Content

  1. The external and internal views of project failure
  2. The key themes in project failure
  3. The role of decision making in project success
  4. How we make decisions (individually and as groups)
  5. The primary patterns of project failure
  6. The Project Management Simulation game
  7. War stories and the underlying errors and mistakes
  8. Understanding project dynamics
  9. Triggers and contributing factors
  10. Leverage points and strategies of successful teams.

Who Should Attend

All those who have hold significant decision making roles including Project Managers, Project Sponsors, Senior technical experts involved in project planning and oversight, test managers and Business Analysts. In addition, classes can also be arranged to include key stakeholders.

Note: To ensure the highest level of interaction and group learning, we recommend that teams who work together train together.

Contact us to arrange for a class