Want to fine-tune your Project Management skills? Join us for the final class in our online “Advanced Certificate in Project Management” program. This capstone class follows on from our “Achieving Project Success” and “Mastering the art of leadership” classes by having you conceptualize, crystallize and plan out a full project. Working with your assigned tutor you will take a project concept and prepare a fully integrated project plan using the techniques and skills learned in the prior classes. Guided by your tutor you will ensure the plan is a complete, accurate and consistent view of all the work needing to be done in order to achieve the project’s stated goals.
This class also includes a research element in which students will select a small research topic related to the fields of leadership or Project Management and will work with colleagues in their current organization or through their professional network to further their understanding of the Project Management field. The research topic will be agreed with the class tutor before activities begin.
Format: Online, tutor supported. All activities must be completed in a maximum of 6 months from the start date. This class is run on an individual basis and is not cohort based. Classes will begin at a time agreed between the student and the assigned IPLA tutor.
Who Should Attend
This class is a final capstone to the IPLA Project Management classes and requires students to have completed both the Achieving Project Success and Mastering the Art of Leadership classes. The overall certificate program is suitable for those who are already involved in leading projects or those who want to develop the base knowledge needed to take on their first project leadership role.
To register for this course please email us sing the following form – Contact us
Once your registration request has been received you will be contacted by our Registrations Administrator who will collect the payment via credit card (Visa or Mastercard). If you prefer to pay by check please advise the Registration Administrator once contacted.
Payment and cancellation policy: Payment in full is due at the time of registering. There is a cancellation charge of $150 USD if you were to cancel more than 30 days prior to the first day of class. Cancellations within 30 days of commencement of the course are none refundable.
[1] For payments originating outside of Canada additional financial transaction fees may apply.