This website is a companion site to the Project Management and Project Leadership training provided by the University of British Columbia’s, Sauder School of Business – Continuing Business Studies unit. Providing both in class and online options, the UBC Certificate in Project Management is among the world’s leading Project Management programs. Leveraging profession standards, the university’s own original research and an instructional team made up of experienced practitioners, the program is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Based in Vancouver, Canada, the University of British Columbia is among the world’s highest-ranking Universities. The Sauder School of Business – Continuing Business Studies unit focuses on helping individuals develop their careers and organizations develop the human capital needed to succeed.
Designed for working professionals, the UBC Project Management program provides an opportunity for professionals to learn the building blocks from which a successful career in Project Management can be built. This website is used to publicly share the potential impacts of ineffectual Project Management. As our Catalogue of Catastrophe shows, stories of troubled projects are all too common. Our mission is to provide education that helps reduce those costs and helps people and organizations succeed!
Contact us to register or for further information: UBC Certificate in Project Management.