The Fast Forward Freeze-Out

The following entry is a part of theĀ Pattern Library. The library records samples of the common patterns of behaviour that set the context within which the chances of project failure are increased.

Name : The Fast Forward Freeze Out

In brief :
A sponsor accelerates progress in the planning of a project by freezing out the stakeholders. Failure to engage and understand stakeholder requirements however results in products being produced that fail to meet the needs of the stakeholders.

Description :

Typical sequence of events :

  1. Sponsor elects to freeze the stakeholders out of the planning process
  2. Project appears to make rapid progress in early stages
  3. When product created by the project is delivered, stakeholders are finally engaged
  4. Stakeholders reject the product because it fails to meet their real needs.

Possible negative effects :

  1. A breakdown in trust between stakeholders and the management responsible for the project
  2. Products that are rejected by the stakeholders once delivered
  3. The need to completely redo the project or make very major changes in order to satisfy stakeholders.

Common Root Causes :

  1. A sponsor who fails to appreciate the human side of the project and what it takes to build buy-in and support
  2. Arrogance (when a Sponsor feels they know best and are able to speak on behalf of everyone else).

Suggested Actions :

  1. Perform stakeholder analysis
  2. Plan an effective stakeholder engagement strategy
  3. Gather requirements from stakeholders and build their support for the project through effective and ongoing consultation and communication.

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