STEP 3 – Leading from the middle

Project Managers are both managers and leaders. While PMI’s recommended practices focuses on the processes used to manage a project, this course will look at the practicalities of leading projects. Recognizing the Project Managers are often ‘leading from the middle’, the course will look at what it takes to navigate a project forward and solidify the buy-in and support needed to build momentum. Based on original research carried out by our Project Management instructional faculty, the course will look at how leaders think, how they interact with their teams and how they gain the support of their stakeholders. Reviewing the nuances and subtlety of leadership, the class is a practical review of what effective leaders physically do that their peers are missing.

Course Format

5-weeks part-time – The format of this course is 100% online.

For more details on the UBC Certificate in Project Management and to register for classes – UBC Certificate in Project Management online.